The prayers and services use by the Brotherhood are mainly taken from the MELANESIAN ENGLISH PRAYER BOOK
and Offices and Prayers of the Melanesian Brotherhood 1996
Click Here to view the words and listen to the Brother singing it.
The following prayers and hymn are taken from the Handbook of the Companions.
For the Brothers
ALMIGHTY God, your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, by obeying you and offering himself, has shown us the true way of service; may the men of the Melanesian Brotherhood serve you in the way that he did, showing faithful love and being true to you alone, so that, by your power, the work they are called to do may bear good fruit, and make your loving plan for all mankind come true, to the glory of your name; through the same your Son our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and rules with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen.
For Companions.
STRENGTHEN, O God, we pray you, all Companions of the Brotherhood, that we may faithfully keep our promises and daily serve you in good works. Make us to be of one heart and mind withm each Group, and show to others the love that comes from you. Let all that Jesus commanded his Church be to us as a light that never goes out, and our glad obedience as tire that is always burning, through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
- s:-f.m r:d r:m d:- r.m:f r.m:-.rd:t d:-
- s:-.f.m r:m d: r.m:f r.m:-r d;t d:-
- r:-.m:f r:- m:-.f:s r:-m:-f:s d':t l:s:-
- s:-.f:m r:d r:m d:- r.m:f r.m:-r d:t d:-
- Brother Ini formed the Brothers
- Praise the Lord, for He is kind.
- They must bring the word to others
- Praise the Lord, for He is kind
- Telling them of God their Father
- And His Son who died for all
- Brother Ini formed the Brothers
- Praise the Lord, for He is kind.
- Brother Ini formed Companions
- Praise the Lord, for He is kind
- They must all grow up like banyans
- Praise the Lord, for He is kind.
- Lifting high the spreading branches
- Of the faith in every place
- Brother Ini formed Companions
- Praise the Lord, for He is kind.
- The Companions with the Brothers
- Praise the Lord, for He is kind
- Must be one in serving others
- Praise the Lord, for He is kind
- Showing by their life and teaching
- What a Christian really is.
- For the Brothers and Companions
- Praise the Lord, for He is kind.
- BJMM- 1968.
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