of the Sisters
of Melanesia


Founded 1980

PO Box 19 (Church of Melanesia)
Honiara, Solomon Islands

Members of the Melanesian Brotherhood first suggested forming a Community of women in the 1960s, an idea which emerged from the mission experience, particularly their work with women and children. The Community of the Sisters of Melanesia finally came into being on 17 November 1980 when the first four women took vows of Obedience, Celibacy and Poverty. Nestar Atkin was the sister who had the vision, helped by Mary, Margaret, and Lilly.

Sister Grace Delight CSM
(Head Sister)

Addresses of other houses

Joe Wate Household, Longa Bay, Waihi Parish, Southern Region, Solomon Islands

Wairokai Missionary Working Household, Wairokai Village, West Areare, Arekwa Region,
Solomon Islands

Nat Household, Bokoniseu.Vutu, Ghaobata Parish, East Honiara, Solomon Islands

For further details, obtain a copy of
The Anglican Religious Communities Year Book