CAROA - Conference of Anglican Religious
Orders in the Americas
a world disrupted by war, terrorism, and oppression, the call and
challenge comes to Religious Communities to become instruments of
peace, to partake in the ministry of reconciliation by prayer and
service, both in the Church and throughout the world.
vowed life of poverty/simplicity, chastity/celibacy, and obedience
frees us from the strictures of our culture: love of money and wealth,
status, and power.
includes 23 Religious Communities in the Americas that are part
of the Worldwide Anglican (Episcopal) Communion. Some of these Orders
are of men, some of women, and some include both. There is great
diversity among our communities in terms of worship practice and
standard of living, but all our communities embrace celibacy, community
of goods, and obedience to a Rule and Constitution.
sorts make up our communities: people who are styled as contemplative,
social activists, introverted, extroverted, conservative, liberal,
young, middle-aged, and elderly. We come from a rich variety of
backgrounds. Our communities serve in several ways through retreat
houses and individual spiritual direction and in apostolic outreach
in diocese, parish, hospital, nursing homes, schools, and social
agencies. In all of our communities there are individuals with special
talents and abilities who share those gifts in response to discerned
need. Common to all our ministries is a shared commitment to prayer,
life in community, and hospitality.
hope you will include our communities in your life of prayer. We
have a monthly cycle of prayer that
may be helpful.